
app state graphic design portfolio review

Looking to revamp your own graphic design portfolio? Or maybe you're like us and just like to look at design portfolios and graphic design blogs to be totally inspired.

We've searched the internet for the best graphic design portfolios to give you inspiration to make yours look awesome, too.

Whether you are a new designer starting out, or an experienced designer with an advanced portfolio, these graphic design portfolios will certainly boost your creative mind.

Featured Image for: 20+ Graphic design portfolios you've gotta see before designing yours

1. Robby Leonardi.

There's no hiding what designer and illustrator Robby Leonardi does when you visit his design portfolio. Greeted with fun, bright colors and illustrations, he shows his expertise without saying a word. The coolest part? Click through to his resumé and reveal an awesome interactive illustration activated on scroll, much like a video game. Who knew a resumé could be so fun to read? We love it!

Graphic Design Portfolio

2. Daniel Spatzek.

Upon visiting the portfolio of Daneil Spatzek, you'll notice a unique, but simple approach. Taken over by white space and a featured motion-graphic in the middle, it gives you a small look at his capabilities. Click through to the design portfolio and you're taken on a new journey with scrolling graphics and typographic elements. He does an excellent job at drawing in the reader, and clearly displays his strengths.

Graphic Design Portfolio

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3. Steve Wolf Designs.

Head on over to Steve Wolf Designs and explore the no-frills approach to their graphic design portfolio website. The uncomplicated design features a masonry layout on the homepage highlighting some of their best work. We can't help but appreciate the ease of use and quality of design.

Graphic Design Portfolio

4. Yasly.

Yasly is the design portfolio website of Danny Jones. Specializing in 3D interaction and visual design, he lays out his work in an effortless way. What enhances the display of his graphic design portfolio is the ultimate quality of photography. In addition, the overall design pairs with the high profile of clients he has worked with.

Graphic Design Portfolio

5. Josh Miller.

The graphic design portfolio from Josh Miller of Australia combines uncommon color combos with simplified design — and makes it look good. We dig the navigation layout, and the bold in-your-face design that draws you in to view more. On page transition, Josh created a colorful wave-like graphic that keeps up the lively theme of his work.

Graphic Design Portfolio

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6. Qode Interactive Catalog.

Qode Interactive's Catalog is a curated collection of WordPress themes that demonstrate the company's authentic and modern approach to web design. While we were exploring the content, we felt like viewing artwork in a gallery space thanks to the interesting horizontal scroll effect used throughout the website. When you hover over the name of each theme, you'll see a preview of its design, and on click, a theme's project page will launch. The Catalog is designed in a minimalist, contemporary style, and it offers a great overview of Qode's impressive creativity and skillset.

qode interactive catalog

7. Denise Chandler.

Denise Chandler demonstrates how to execute a color palette in her graphic design portfolio like a pro. Usually, muted colors as such are visually deterring, but she utilized the array of hues that are extremely pleasing to the eye. On the homepage, she writes "In a sea of ordinary, make sure your website is set apart from the competition," and we believe her design lives that to the fullest.

Graphic Design Portfolio

8. Nathan Riley.

Nathan Riley's graphic design portfolio portrays elegance at it's finest. We're not sure if it's the black and gold color combo, or the beautifully laid out design, but it instantly provides a spark of inspiration. His scrolling portfolio with motion effects is incredibly pleasing. Pair that with his exemplary work, and it's no wonder he's been on the receiving end of so many design awards.

Graphic Design Portfolio

9. Denys Nevozhai.

Denys Nevozhai is a world traveler designer, and easily tells his story through an interactive timeline. We think this is a cool feature to allow others to get to know him and where he's been. Scroll on past the timeline, and you'll be introduced to a grid of beautiful work. His graphic design portfolio exudes a pretty basic layout, although his work is anything but.

Graphic Design Portfolio

10. Cher Ami.

Cher Ami wastes no time in putting their work in your face. The full-width homepage submerses you in various projects with eye-catching video graphics and design. A subtle, thin line angled across the screen acts as a progress bar, showing you where you are at on the page. There's no questioning that the studio at Cher Ami pushes the limits when it comes to graphic design portfolios on the web.

Graphic Design Portfolio

11. Root Studio.

Wow! This is our reaction upon opening the homepage of Root Studio's graphic design portfolio. That bold, pop of color and incredibly unique animated giraffe will draw anyone's attention. Like many others, they've put together a website that reflects the same look and feel as their work. You can't wait to keep browsing, as the easy-to-read and uncomplicated layout is so inviting.

Graphic Design Portfolio

12. Rachel Cheng.

Rachel Cheng's graphic design portfolio is minimalist at it's finest. As a young designer, her work in UI/UX and product design is simply beautiful. On an individual project page, the breakdown of the process is executed well. With so few years experience, we can't wait to see how her portfolio evolves.

Graphic Design Portfolio

13. Jane Song.

The work of Jane Song is relevant and effective. Her graphic design portfolio (boasting clients such as MailChimp) is exceptionally simple, where she keeps the text to a minimum and let her work do the talking. What makes her portfolio so successful? The limited selection of only her best work and stripped-down navigation, which allows you not to get lost in the midst of admiring the work.

Graphic Design Portfolio

14. Alex Coven.

Check out Alex Coven's graphic design portfolio and you'll be told exactly what he does — you can't miss it. Once you scroll down to view his work, the snap-to-grid scrolling feature and full-screen hero images exhibit his work exceptionally. We love the idea of utilizing every pixel of the screen, creating a no-distraction environment. Let's not forget the clean and interactive logo/menu navigation on the left which converts to a nice mobile-friendly design when scaled down.

Graphic Design Portfolio

15. Built by Buffalo.

Built by Buffalo has a graphic design portfolio unlike any other we've seen. To portray their work, they created a honeycomb-like design with a small image detail for each project. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but very functional at the same time. The individual project pages are consistently well put together, with a clean two-column layout showcasing their work.

Graphic Design Portfolio

16. Mike Kus.

Mike Kus, a UK based designer, took advantage of the homepage by using it as a portal for displaying his graphic design portfolio. This eliminates any added clicks for reaching there, and it's quite an inspiring wall of various designs. We are intrigued by the simplicity of the hover effects he's implemented for each project. Additionally, the pop-up window feature to describe a project in detail is executed nicely, allowing the user to not have to navigate away from the homepage — the star of the show.

Graphic Design Portfolio

17. Fuzzco.

At first glance, Fuzzco's homepage begins to do an automatic slow-scroll — a unique approach not seen very often. The fluid grid of work, with an occasional character-like figure running across the screen, is a visual experience. They took a monochromatic palette and implemented superb typographic hierarchy to create a one-of-a-kind portfolio site. Quirky graphics and large imagery tell their story of who they are and what they do.

Graphic Design Portfolio

18. Mixd.

Mixd takes color-blocking to the max, by displaying full-color backgrounds that are bold and dominant. This helps create sections of copy that make the information easy to digest. Their graphic design portfolio has a static homepage design that changes on refresh, keeping it interesting every time you visit. What works so well are the large headers and straightforward, minimalistic design.

Graphic Design Portfolio

19. Buzzworthy Studio.

Buzzworthy Studio, based in Brooklyn, NY, shows off their skills from the get-go with a distinct homepage design. Large headers reveal full-width images on hover, creating quite the experience. Click through to a project detail, and you're led through a total design experience that's branded to the project at hand. Buzzworthy's project pages are the ultimate in detail — unlike any other.

Graphic Design Portfolio

20. Creative Mints.

The graphic design portfolio over at Creative Mints is just that — creative. A header design that mimics the look of a clipboard throughout, they carry out a design that's quite incomplex, yet awe-inspiring. A lightly-hued background let's the vivid imagery of their work stand out and be the hero of their portfolio site. The step-by-step photos of their process work grabs your interest, and displays their abilities.

Graphic Design Portfolio

21. 10Clouds.

10Clouds has a graphic design portfolio that prides itself on the finer details. With each project case study, they break down the statistics and problems they solved through their design — all while looking great and keeping you interested. The page layouts are dynamic and rigid, but smooth at the same time. 10Clouds demonstrates a great ability to display large amounts of information in a aesthetically pleasing way.

Graphic Design Portfolio

Which graphic design portfolio is your favorite?

We'd love to know which graphic design portfolio is your favorite, and how you're going to use the inspiration for your own!

We'd also love to hear about your process for designing your own graphic design portfolio. Are you building a portfolio to show off your work or get more design clients? Are you using a freelancer WordPress theme or other portfolio templates to get started? Or do you prefer to build from scratch?

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Millo Articles by Adam Wright

Adam Wright is the Content Manager at Millo, in addition to running his own graphic and web design business, Adam Wright Design. When he's not working on his business, you can find him watching hockey or just about any type of racing. Follow Adam on Instagram and Facebook.
Read more from Adam.

app state graphic design portfolio review


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