
How To Dispute A Charge Chase App

Table of Contents

  1. What Can You Expect with a Chase Dispute?
  2. What are Chase Bank Chargeback Fees?
  3. What is Chase Bank Chargeback Policy?
  4. What is the Chase Bank Chargeback Process?
  5. Chase Bank Chargeback Portal
  6. Benefits of Analyzing & Disputing Chargebacks
  7. Conclusion
  8. Frequently Asked Questions

Like any issuing bank, JPMorgan Chase allows its customers to dispute charges on their credit or debit cards if they can articulate a plausible reason for doing so. Of course, the same thing that for customers is a valuable form of financial protection is for merchants a drain on revenue and a huge headache.

Despite all the ways in which the chargeback process is governed by the rules and regulations handed down by the major card networks, there are still some areas in which acquiring and issuing banks get to set their own policies and requirements. Dealing with chargebacks means interacting with a wide variety of issuers, and it can be a rude awakening when you miss a deadline or submit the wrong information because of these subtle differences.

We hate to see any merchant go into a chargeback fight unprepared, so we've prepared this guide to answer one question: What do merchants need to know about handling disputes with Chase Bank?

New call-to-action Chase Bank is one of the largest credit card issuers in the United States, so it's very likely that a significant percentage of your chargebacks will involve them. While it's easy to see issuers as the opponents in your ongoing battle with chargebacks, remember that they're incentivized to abide by the card network rules and examine any evidence the merchant presents carefully, coming to a fair decision based on the facts.

Whether you're in the middle of a dispute over a Chase Bank transaction or just want to be ready for the next one to come your way, we hope this guide will help you learn what you need to know about navigating their chargeback process.

How do Chase chargebacks work?

According to Chase, the dispute process for their cards includes the cardholder, the issuing bank, the credit card network, the acquiring bank, and the merchant. Essentially, everyone involved in the transaction process is also involved in handling chargebacks.

Chase recommends their customers do two things before disputing a charge. First, they ask customers to click on the transaction in their account to review the full transaction details, which may help them identify a transaction that seems unfamiliar.

If that doesn't resolve the issue, Chase says customers should contact the merchant. The full transaction details will usually include a phone number so customers won't have to go digging for a way to do this.

Customers are advised to write down the date of the call, who they spoke with, and what their response was. A call to the merchant will almost always resolve whatever issue the customer is having, but if it doesn't, Chase may ask for these details. In part, this is to put one more roadblock in the way of customers who might lie and say they contacted the merchant when they haven't.

In rare cases where contacting the merchant doesn't resolve the problem, the customer can open a dispute by following the instructions on the transaction details page.

When Chase Bank accepts a dispute claim from one of their customers, they will give that customer a provisional credit for the transaction amount and notify the card network and acquirer of the chargeback. The acquirer will then debit your merchant account.

As an issuer, Chase Bank may choose to submit retrieval requests to attempt to gather more information about the transaction before escalating a dispute to a chargeback.

As always, you should respond to retrieval requests immediately with as much relevant information as possible so that the chargeback can be prevented if at all possible.

If the retrieval does not return sufficient information to disprove the cardholder's claim, an actual chargeback will follow.

Here's a basic outline of the chargeback process:

  1. The disputed amount is refunded to the cardholder and a temporary deduction is made from the acquiring bank and the merchant's account. Chase experts also are on standby so that merchants have experts in place to answer any questions.
  2. Dispute documentation is created and distributed, at which time the merchant may choose to fight the chargeback through representment, wherein they much provide compelling evidence proving that the charge was legitimate and the customer's claim is false. Chase chargebacks are unusual in that they provide their own paperwork for merchants during the process.
  3. If the merchant fights the chargeback and Chase decides in their favor, they will return the disputed funds and revoke the cardholder's temporary credit. If Chase is unconvinced by the evidence provided or if the merchant chooses not to fight the chargeback, the temporary credit will become permanent.

If you're a merchant that has an online account with Chase, you can also set up alarms to warn you when you receive a dispute. This helps you respond faster and, if possible, deal with the customer directly.

What are Chase Bank's chargeback fees?

If you use Chase Bank as your payment processor, the fee per chargeback is reportedly as low as $5. That puts them on the more reasonable end of the fee spectrum, but remember that chargeback fees can always add up very quickly if you aren't taking care to prevent and minimize them.

Issuing banks don't levy fees to merchants, but if the results of the chargeback representment are not accepted by either party and the dispute proceeds to arbitration, the presiding card network will collect arbitration fees from the party that ultimately loses the dispute. Those fees can be as much as $500, so if you choose to proceed to arbitration, make sure you have a strong case.

What is the time limit for Chase chargebacks?

The deadline for a Chase Bank customer to dispute a transaction is 60 days. Customers cannot dispute pending credit card transactions; they have to wait for it to actually post to their account before they can initiate a dispute. Pending debit card transactions can be disputed by contacting Chase over the phone, but can't be disputed online until the charge posts.

Chase Bank provides their customers with an estimate of "30 to 60 days" to investigate and render a decision on a dispute.

Once the process has begun, the most important deadlines for merchants to remember are the ones imposed by the card networks. Here's a quick rundown of some of the key time limits:


  • 30 days to respond to a dispute
  • 10 days to pursue arbitration, if desired


  • 45 days to respond to a dispute
  • 45 days to pursue arbitration, if desired

Rather than trying to keep track of all the different deadlines for each chargeback, we recommend that merchants put a system in place that enables them to immediately respond to chargeback notifications in real time (or as close as you can get).

What is the Chase online chargeback management system?

Chase Bank provides its merchants with optional access to an online chargeback management system where they can view and respond to retrieval requests, submit representment and the associated documentation, and review their chargeback history. Merchants are not automatically enrolled, but must specifically request access.

While this portal has no bearing on merchants engaged in a dispute with a Chase Bank customer, if Chase Bank is your acquiring bank we strongly suggest you request access to their online chargeback management system in order to be able to receive and respond to notifications in the most timely manner possible.

Benefits of analyzing & fighting chargebacks

Fighting chargebacks can take some Fight & Recover Chargebacks - Get The Guide time and effort, especially if you aren't used to it. It's easy to look at a low-value chargeback and decide that it's not worth your time to fight it.

What you have to remember is that every chargeback—even a small one—impacts your chargeback ratio and carries fees that can add up to a lot of lost revenue over time.

Every chargeback represents a vulnerability in your business operations that could be improved, whether it has to do with your security measures against true and "friendly" fraud, the claims you're making about your product, the efficiency and reliability of your fulfillment services, or the quality of the customer service you're providing. Fighting chargebacks gives you the chance to learn more about why your customers are unhappy (or in the case of fraudsters, why they're getting away with taking advantage of you).

When you understand the root causes of your chargebacks, you can take steps to address them and stop similar chargebacks from happening in the future.

How to handle Chase chargebacks

Because the card networks wield so much power in the payment card ecosystem, there aren't huge differences in dealing with one issuer versus another. For the most part, they all have to abide by the same rules and create a level playing field for all participants in the system. That said, the culture and granular policies of each issuing bank can differ, so it's always in your interest to familiarize yourself with the banks you're coming into contact with.

In any case, Chase gives solid advice that all merchants should follow. If you want to prevent chargebacks, provide great customer service, follow fraud prevention best practices at the point of sale, and work with a chargeback prevention company to help manage alerts and disputes.

Just keep in mind that no matter who you're dealing with, your best weapons against chargebacks are solid, transparent business practices, excellent customer service, and thorough documentation of your transactions and communications with customers.


How do you file a chargeback with Chase?

Customers can dispute a transaction for up to 60 days using the Chase website, phone, or mobile app.

Can you fight a Chase chargeback?

Yes, and Chase works with merchants and their acquiring banks to negotiate disputes and resolve them the best way they can for both parties.

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Get the guide, Chargebacks 101: Understanding Chargebacks & Their Root Causes

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How To Dispute A Charge Chase App


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